There are a number of Steve O'Shea's out there, but if you are looking for a specific fellow that once chased giant squid around the oceans, defrosted colossal squid, buried himself within whale entrails and was an avid conservationist, well, you've found the right one here. These days you'll likely find me sitting behind a computer editing the scientific or academic works of others in my new profession as a scientific editor (, but occassionally my mind drifts back to another life spent on open oceans, researching my true love, the weird, the wonderful, the perplexing, truly magnificent animals that are cephalopods.

After my life took a new direction in late 2011, I have been quiet on the squid and octopus front for many years. However, as we approach mid 2023 I am happy to say that I have recommenced research on these animals and published several papers, and have quite a number of new ones that near submission or are in review. I am only now updating this site. Sorry. You should see ongoing changes over coming months.

Below you'll see my own personal Giant Squid specimen, one plastinated by the esteemed anatomist and artist Gunther von Hagens. As much as I would love to hold onto this, it is a little hard to cart around (not like a baby giant squid in a jar) and is now for sale; it represents a unique opportunity for someone to own an amazing and irreplaceable piece of history. Contact me for further information.